Recent researches indicate that it can also be used as a high-efficiency ( contact) reactor while the structure and operation parameters are changed properly. 但是最近的研究表明,对它的结构和操作参数作适当的改变后,充气水力旋流器可以作为一种高效的接触反应器。
Microbes are important composition of biological treatment system, especially in this gravel contact oxidation reactor filled with crushed stone globular aggregates as carriers. 在不同曝气条件下,对生物接触氧化反应器中的水质及微生物群落和数量动态变化进行分析。
In this paper, a preliminary test result of domestic wastewater treatment for small residential area is presented, based on process of anaerobic filter, aerobic contact reactor. 本文提出了厌氧生物滤池好氧接触池双层滤料滤池串联的工艺流程处理住宅小区生活污水小试研究的初步结果。
Suspended solid contact reactor 悬浮固体接触反应器
Start-up and Performance of Anaerobic Contact Reactor for Hydrogen Production 厌氧接触发酵制氢反应器的启动和运行特性
Experimental Research and Mechanism Analysis on Sewage Treatment with Gravel Contact Oxidation Reactor 砾石接触氧化法处理生活污水的试验研究及机理分析
High-Temperature and Short-Contact Time Technology of FCC and Optimization of Riser Reactor 高温短接触催化裂化与提升管反应器的优化
Progress in Research of Air-sparged Hydrocyclone as Contact Reactor 充气水力旋流器用于接触反应的研究进展
Hot Contact Stress Analysis for Shell of Double-layered Hooped Hydrogenation Reactor 双层套箍式加氢反应器壳体热接触应力分析
Experimental study on starting process of effective microorganism biological contact oxidation reactor EM生物接触氧化反应器启动过程试验研究
Design and application of limit current by high speed switch protective device contact with reactor 一种高速开关装置与电抗器并联限流方法设计与应用
A submerged bed reactor ( SBR) or contact stabilization reactor has been used in the wastewater treatment systems. One of its major constructions is the packing material. 在废水处理系统中有一种称为浸没式反应器(SBR)或接触稳定反应器,填料是其主要构成之一。
In this study the Internal-recycle Contact Oxidation Reactor was used to treat municipal wastewater. 本文对内循环接触氧化反应器处理生活污水进行了研究。
Procaryotae Diversity on the Biofilm of Carrier and Their Function to Excess Sludge Demineralization in Gravel Contact Oxidation Reactor 砾间接触氧化反应器中填料表面细菌多样性及其主要功能
The yeast strains were inoculated to a biological contact oxidation reactor, which was used to treat the Diosgenin production wastewater. 以酵母菌作为特定微生物,采用生物接触氧化工艺处理皂素生产废水,对其工艺参数进行了优选研究。
In this paper the elastoplastic contact analysis for O-ring of reactor pressure vessel was carried out using MSC. Marc software. The different spring-backs under the different tightening conditions were obtained and compared with the previous tests. Marc软件,对反应堆压力容器双道金属O形密封环进行弹塑性大应变接触分析,给出在不同压紧量下的回弹量,并与试验结果进行比较。
Treatment of moderate concentration organic wastewater by using an advanced contact oxidation reactor 新型生物接触氧化反应器处理中浓度有机废水
The oil refinery wastewater was treated using an inner-loop bio-treatment system and a pilot test was conducted with bioreactors of inner-loop hydrolysis acidification reactor, aerobic fluidized bed and modularized contact oxidation reactor. 采用内循环式生物系统处理炼油废水,以内循环式水解酸化反应器、好氧流化床、模块化设计的生物接触氧化池作为生物反应器进行中试试验。
Therefore, maintaining highly dissolved oxygen in the contact oxidation reactor has a high efficiency for the treatment of rosin processing effluent. 接触氧化段较高的溶解氧对难降解的松脂加工废水有较好的处理效果。
High Efficiency Algorithm for 3D Transient Thermo-Elasto-Plastic Contact Problem in Reactor Pressure Vessel Sealing System 反应堆压力容器密封系统瞬态热弹塑性接触的高效解法
The recent invention of a gravel contact oxidation reactor ( GCOR) system in Changchun city in China showed that microbes could be very reliable in activated sludge disposal. 最近在中国长春市研发的碎石接触氧化反应(GCOR)系统表明在活性污泥处置中微生物是十分有效的。
Reactor internals of nuclear reactor are said to be the heart of nuclear power plant, which direct contact the reactor core, and are the key components for the life of nuclear power station. The main materials of reactor internals are the nuclear grade 304 stainless steel. 核电站反应堆堆内构件是核电站运行的心脏,与堆芯直接接触,是影响电站寿命的关键部件,其主要用材为核级304不锈钢。